1. What is Speedlink liteplus?

  • Telecom Namibia’s speedlink liteplus product offers unlimited high speed broadband access via Telecom Namibia access technologies ADSL, VDSL, GPON and Active Ethernet to residential, business and corporate customers without value added services.
  • CPE, Value added service, static IP address an d Voice service are optional on customer request.
  • Customers will have the option to purchase the CPE’s on cash or instalment option.

2. What are the benefits to customers?

  • Unlimited , always - on and high speed internet access at flat rate
  • Variety of speed package - more choice more value
  • Flexible contract period – 12, 24 and 36 month
  • Option to apply for value added services separately at any given time
  • Customer can enjoy Wi - Fi with TN’ s Wi - Fi enabled CPE/Modem – CPE/Modem is available on cash and instalment option

3. Which packages will be offered to customers?

  • Speedlink liteplus Asymmetric (Down/upload ratio – 2:1)
  • Speedlink liteplus Symmetric (Down/upload ratio – 1:1)

4. What are the packages and pricing?


(a) Speedlink liteplus Asymmetric

Packages 15M 25M 50M 75M 100M 120M
Download (Mbps) 15 25 50 75 100 120
Upload (Mbps) 7 10 15 25 35 40
Monthly Charge (N$) 12 Month 1,829 2,106 2,741 3,423 4,101 4,638
Monthly Charge (N$) 24 Month 1,646 1,895 2,467 3,081 3,691 4,174
Monthly Charge (N$) 36 Month 1,554 1,790 2,330 2,909 3,486 3,942

(b) Speedlink liteplus Symmetric

Packages 1M 2M 5M 10M 15M 25M 50M
Download (Mbps) 1 2 5 10 15 25 50
Upload (Mbps) 1 2 5 10 15 25 50
Monthly Charge (N$) 12 Month 862 887 975 1,859 2,082 2,493 3,435
Monthly Charge (N$) 24 Month 776 798 878 1,674 1,874 2,244 3,092
Monthly Charge (N$) 36 Month 733 754 829 1,581 1,770 2,119 2,920

5. What are installation charges for Speedlink liteplus?

Copper/ Wireless -  Installation charges are N$299 for residential and N$499 for business.

Fibre - Installation charges is N$950 in town and outside town

Areas where there is no infrastructure or fibre customer is required to pay for the actual cost to provide the service

6. What is the service limitation?

  • The service can be provided within 700 meters radius from MSAN equipment
  • The provision of Speedlink liteplus service is subject to network availability, distance, copper quality and line sync speed limitations

7. Does customer gets a free CPE when signing up for Speedlink liteplus?

  • No, the packages are offered without the CPE thus the customer can purchase it at any nearest Teleshop
  • Telecom is offering Wi-Fi enable CPE with rich features allowing customer connecting to internet seamlessly with laptops, tablets and smartphones

8. Can the customer apply for CPE, Voice, Static IP address and VAS service when or after signing up for Speedlink liteplus?

  • Yes, customer may apply for CPE, Voice, Static IP address, VAS additionally and pay separately.


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